Santiago trougth archaeology

In this occasion I'm going to write about Santiago trougth achaeology, in other words, considering the perspectives related to my study program.

Santiago, is considered as a city, since the arrival of Pedro de Valdivia in 1541, but the truth is that more or less 10,000 years ago this territory would have been used by different cultural groups. archeology has been responsible for surveying the data that are known as prehistoric, characterizing from hunter-gatherer populations to populations that dominated the pottery and domestication of plants and animals.Several sites have been explored both in the mountain ranges (Andes and coast) and in the valley, showing different adaptations to the environments and cultural times, highlighting the domestic and funerary contexts within literature.There is still much to explore, but we must consider that not only Inca influence is seen in the territory, informational flows could come from all directions at specific times and places.It is interesting how it manages to give a historical and territorial perspective of belonging to the valley, because we must remember that before us there were different ways of life.

San Becleta - HitosPontos Turísticos em Santiago do Chile | Dicas das Américas


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